This section touches on issues that we think are contributing to the global risk, and individual/business risk, particularly in the western countries. While US focused the similar things are happening in Europe and there are common themes. Leading the pack is government debt; political / policy related, ideological and economic / financial in nature.
The Be Informed menu/page contains video content that correspond to these topics.
Global Power Struggle
We are living during a period of time where the "old order" dominated by the US and Western countries is being directly challenged by Russia, China a new consortium of countries known as the BRICS. Russia has clearly stated NATO and the US will be at war with Russia if we allow the Ukraine to use western mid-range missiles to attack Russia. NATO, lead by the US, seems intent on provoking Russia into a broader war and is, in our opinion, playing a very dangerous game with unforeseeable consequences.
Historically, failing governments often embroil themselves in conflicts (start wars) and take advantage of crises to pass legislation that typically removes freedoms (movement, speech, financial repression) and resources (confiscation) from their citizens..
Global Supply Chains
The Houthi's in Yemen have substantially curtailed shipping through the Suez Canal, meaning higher costs to transport from Asia to Europe. China has been increasingly vocal about (forced) 'reunification' with Taiwan. Mid-Oct, China sent a large military flotilla to intimidate Taiwan.
The US has a defense treaty with Taiwan. Should war break out we think this will be materially disruptive to supply chains with accompanying shortages and price increases. Most people are unaware that the majority of pharmaceuticals / drugs and ingredients are not produced in the US (raw chemicals are produced in India and China) And most 'green energy' components are manufactured outside of the US, largely in China.
Shipping in the Red Sea has been significantly disrupted by the Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah (south Lebanon) /Houthi war. Hezbollah is a non-Lebanese military force largely supported by Iran. We don't expect this to cool off anytime soon.
US Government Spending & Debt
With $35 Trillion dollars of on book debt and adding an astonishing $1 Trillion (that's 1000 Billion dollars) every 90-100 days , we are in no position to meet our 'unfunded' domestic obligation (like social security) let alone take on an additional wars or big programs. Before you continue we recommend you take an hour and watch the documentary End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless: - as this explains how we managed to get ourselves to this place, and is probably the first thing you want to know, as it creates context for many topics on this site.
Common with the late stages of fiat currency collapses (the US dollar is a 'fiat' currency) increasing debt issuance is the preferred method for handling budgetary problems. Eventually too many dollars causes inflation and reduces the value of the currency. As you will have noticed, inflation not only confiscates more of your paycheck but erodes the value of your savings and assets as paychecks do not keep up with inflation. Inflation in a fiat system is the equivalent of a tax.
Our forecast is for continued and possibly rapid/sudden devaluation of the US dollar. We have lost 20-25% of US dollar value in the past 3 years. Inflation rates, while having moderated (Oct-2024) will move up and down during this process, so don't be lulled into security by .gov statistics and prognostications when it moves down temporarily. Without fundamental change in the picture inflation will continue on a zig-zag upward chart trajectory.
The Global Banking System
While they do a good job trying to hide this information from the public, the banking system is in considerably worse condition than it was in 2008. Banks continue to stack up ridiculous levels of derivative contracts (hundreds of trillions). If these 'bets' fail, and they will during a global financial crisis, the banks in the US are allowed to pass their losses to depositors and taxpayers. This is thanks to the Dodd-Frank bill. Banking instability is being causes by 1) holding US bonds/bills as part of their bank reserves (now underwater because the Fed raised interest rates so rapidly), 2) Commercial Real Estate "CRE" is losing value, and 3) losses on home mortgages are piling up.
Our opinion is there will be significant bank failures and consolidations particularly if the recession triggers losses in the insane derivative positions held by our "must bail out" "too big to fail" banks such as Chase, Bank of America, etc.
US Dollar Competition
The BRICS countries will be rolling out a new trade currency called The Unit. If the BRICS do what they intend, this trade currency will be 40% backed by Gold. In case you are unaware, the US dollar, Euro, Yen and other currencies are not backed by anything. Take 15 minutes to ramp up on what the BRICS countries are. Their strategy is to unseat and degrade the US global dominance.
US Domestic Security
In the US, the FBI has repeatedly told Congress in 2023/24 that we are at the highest risk of domestic security problems (terrorism) since the 9-11 attack. We have allowed millions of unvetted immigrants into the US, including a steady stream of military-age Chinese nationals (men mostly) into the US. Lax border control has allowed Mexican Cartels and recently Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua have set up shop all over the US (the state of Texas recently declared the latter as a terrorist organization in Sept 2024). Human trafficking in the US is at an all time high. The US government, but its own admission, has lost track of over 300,000 minors who entered the US.
Homeland Security
Due to reduction in police forces in many cities after the death of George Floyd, and a not-subtle refusal by some prosecutors to not pursue offenders, crime frequently goes unpunished contributing to significant degradation of safety and services in many large US cities. As if domestic homeless wasn't already a major issue, significant and avoidable pressure on housing has erupted as we try to find accommodation for asylum seekers, many of whom are dropped off by the Federal government into communities, seemingly with little consideration of the consequences.
The Globalist Agenda
To provide context and make sense of current events, you need to be aware there are organizations and people that have been functioning for decades that have goals and objectives that, upon inspection, are likely to not be in your best interest. We believe that many of the issues we are having today are the fruit of a multi-decade push by globalists to reshape the globe into a consolidated government where national governments are subordinate to the Globalists.
To understand their perspective, see these quotes: Henry Kissinger:
"Who controls the food supply, controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world."
John Kerry (WEF form, Aug2024 NYC), US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (2024); Sec State 2013-7, Mass US Senator 1985-2013
"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. We we need is to win... the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change." "Its very hard to govern today."
This group of global elites have very specific agendas, which are published and you can read (we have some links). The UN has also published plans that are similarly crafted.
The WEF organization is over 50 years old and is a real organization pushing for highly impacting policies. You can watch videos of their conferences on the internet.
WEF aligned leaders have infiltrated many western countries and are pushing an agenda that concentrates power in the hands of the few and is, despite the rhetoric, remarkably undemocratic in nature. Some WEF graduates: Tony Blair (UK PM), Emmanuel Macron (President, France), Kier Starmer (Curren PM, United Kingdom), Alexander Soros. In Canada many of Trudeau's ministers are WEF graduates. [We are compiling information which we will add to the site at a later date].
The global bankers are universally keen to introduce "Central Bank Digital Currencies" (CBDCs) which they intend to implement. CBDCs are "programmable tokens/money" - which allow the token holder to determine what you can do with the funds. CBDCs are not money - they are a substitute for money.
There is some indication that the FED will leverage other mega-huge financial companies to implement CBDCs, such as Blackrock, Fidelity or Vanguard, to give the appearance of a public-private consortium. A good example is the USDC crypto.
Like the FED, and the 'NGOs' the government hires to perform 'work' they cannot legally do themselves, these mega corps are not transparent and have an agenda that is not customer friendly. (For example, Bank of America provided the FBI data on credit card usage for all its customers in the general geographic area round Washington DC on Oct6 - without your permission or knowledge.)