Be Informed
Photo by Ono Kosuki
Media By Topic
This section contains links to videos and articles we believe will create context and increase your awareness of topics we think are impacting or could impact you. We are introducing content and information you may have not heard of before to give you the gist of what is happening, and/or someone's opinion of what is happening. It does not mean that we agree with everything in the video.
If you disagree with or don't fully understand something, we strongly encourage you take some time and perform your own due diligence. We don't expect you to take action on something you don't understand or agree with. As humans we may react to or disagree with something because it is unwelcome or uncomfortable. This is normal. So if you don't like it, do your own research and keep learning, and/or go to the next topic.
Ukraine / NATO / Russia risks. BRICS history, USD rejected for trade between BRICS members
DW News - BRICS Emerging counterweight in a multipolar world?
This video goes over the history of the BRICS.
Overview: 9:38m Link:
Reuters - BRICS - What is it, who wants in and why?
Introduction: 2:22m Link:
Andy Schectman / Maneco64 - Oct2-24 - BRICS - The Unit, Embridge
This YouTube video has a range of topics. Starting at 7:14, they discuss the major BRICS meeting. BRICS is creating a new settlement currency - The Unit - explanation. Countries that have repatriated their gold from the NY Fed and LBMA. US dollars are not compatible with the BRICS settlement currency.
BRICS INGENIOUS Move In This Commodity Is About To Cause This US Asset To Collapse | Andy Schectman
This video: Quick review of Dollar from WW2 to present. World's reserve currency and the end (2:24) coming as USD will no longer be used to trade oil. Will drop demand for dollars.
This Coming Month Is Littered With Geopolitical and Market Risk. Maneco64 - Interview with Simon Hunt. (Sept24-24).
Content: broad discussion of NATO, Russia, Ukraine war; Risk of war high (7:26) - impact on markets. Why did Fed reduce interest rates? (15:30); forecast US economy, markets, 1970s style inflation. Upcoming Oct BRICS meeting.
Scott Ritter: Russia’s GLOVES ARE OFF as NATO Does Unthinkable, WWIII is Next. (Sept 28-24). Danny Haiphong Channel. Very Serious initial steps to nuclear war with Russia.
Scott Ritter exposes NATO's dangerous escalations with Russia. (Reference: Ray McGovern - Russians made a big deal about NATO missiles in the Ukraine and why this decision is a very serious issue that could spark war with NATO/USA). "We are sooo frontloaded for nuclear war" - start watching about 10:00 for a detailed explanation.
US Power Grid - Dependencies & Vulnerabilities
The US Power grid is owned and managed by hundreds of private and government entities. The grid consists of generating capacity (power plants, dams), high-voltage transmission lines and "sub-stations" that distribute and transform the voltage from very high to voltages used for local power distribution. With over 160,000 miles of high voltage lines and typically fenced but ungarded transformer sub-stations, the grid is an easy target for low tech attacks. While they are often unpublicized, there have been plenty of attacks on this system. Due to the enormous size and cost of some of the transformers and switches, damage may not be quickly repaired, leading to 'Grid down' and significant difficulty for consumers.
Grid Down Power Up - Documentary (Jan 2024)
Content: Documentary re: US power grid, vulnerabilities, terrorist attack against the grid, difficulty of obtaining & replacing massive transformers if damaged. Get involved to pressure .gov to force necessary security improvements. Sobering assessment, provides clear information on the the risk to US citizens.
Quality: High/professional. 1:05.00 minutes.
National Security
After the 9-11 attack, the United States spent considerable time and energy, tightening security and identity checks at airports and ports of entry. In the past 10 years we have had more and more migrants illegally cross the border and we don't know who they are and what threat they may pose to the United States. The US does not have a database of migrants, and migrants come from many countries that don't publish digital identifies, passports or crimes committed by their citizens. When those individuals flee to the US, thru a port of entry or not, we are blind to the risk they present (none or a lot). Unfortunately political rhetoric has been used to dismiss the risk presented by unvetted individuals. It is not that they are all criminals - they are not - however, their presence en-masses (estimated at > 10 million) is overwhelming the country's ability to provide housing, jobs and services, and the ability of law enforcement and the judicial system to adjudicate the surging levels and our ability to process the asylum requests that have accumulated.
This topic clearly has unavoidable political overtones, but we think they present information you may need to know. Our focus is on the risk these issues present to the average citizen which are unavoidable at this stage (taxes, housing, safety, etc.). Politics aside, bad policy is any policy that disrupts our ability to operate our governments and communities in a mutually beneficial way.
Former CIA acting director warns U.S. faces serious terrorist attack threat
Content: FBI Wray testimony to Congress - threat assessment. Michael Morrel former acting CIA director. 3:51 - note reference to vulnerability to terror organization as they send people thru the southern border
The Humanitarian Crisis Happening on the Mexican Border | Julian Dorey | Jorge Ventura
Content: Reporting on border activity; Eagle Pass drownings; cemetery unable to handle, unable to identify bodies. Abandoned naked 4 year old with "send to phone number" and address (human trafficking) in Louisiana.
Sinaloa Cartel is Funding Chinese Syndicates in California | Julian Dorey | Jorge Ventura • 229
Content: Story about filming a documentary about illegal cartel marijuana grow operations, forcing migrants into forced labor to work the farms. Palmdale, CA.
Gang leader wanted for 23 murders arrested in NYC after border release
Content: NYC - new category of migrant crime, gangs establishing operations. "There is no proper vetting of these individuals" - there is no information from their home countries.
Are terrorists slipping across the US border? What the evidence shows.
Article - Christian Science Monitor July 2024.
Shawn Ryan Show | Michael Yon - Secrets of the Darién Gap | SRS #101
Content: Michael Yon, former Green Beret, War Correspondent. Darien Gap is in Panama. Eyewitness reporting of the coordinated flow of immigrants (start 56:00 coordinated push of Chinese nationals). Chinese government is directly involved in sending immigrants to the US and has established way camps for their citizens in central american countries. Book "Unrestricted Warfare" []. Slowly bring in enough people to not notice, and take over positions in police, politics, etc. They used this technique in Tibet and Hong Kong and Thailand. They recruit local officials in central america and they are trying to persuade locals they are "chinese" who came over the land bridge.
Chinese non-US Citizen to serve on Elections Commission. - "San Francisco, California has appointed Kelly Wong, a foreign national with no legal voting rights in the U.S. to oversee how its elections are administered." [Ed: this seems odd]
IOM - NGO that is main engine of the US immigration invasion:
Cyberattacks on U.S. water system on the rise: EPA. June 2024.
China looks to ‘wreak havoc' in US: FBI warns of cyber threats to water & power systems
Cell Towers and Backup Power "8 hour rule" and lack of compliance
Research: In a grid-down situation your cell phone is unlikely to work due to the cost and difficulty of retrofitting cell sites with generators. 5g takes more power to run the radio so is often shut off if backup power is available. California passed a law to require 72 hours of backup operations, but this requirement appears to be stuck in litigation. Power requirements are > than can be provided for by renewables in most cases.
Watch these videos first
A) To get you started, Mike Mahoney does a good job creating a historical parallel to the 1929 great depression and today.
B) The Great Taking - Mike Maloney does a great job explaining how wall street managed to take title to all of your financial assets in your brokerage and bank accounts. You need to know this. In the 2008 crash these laws were used to seize customer assets to pay off the Lehman bankruptcy. They do a good job explaining derivatives and how your assets are backstopping wall street and major banks' casino derivative gambling. The next crash could take all your assets. Got your attention?
C) Ron Paul Liberty Report: DoD Permission to use Lethal Force against Americans!? Oct2024. DoD Directive 5240.01 that looks to supplement domestic policing and authorizes the US military to use lethal force. The Posse Comitatus Act, 18 US Code Section 1385 expressly prohibits this.
Financial Topics: Money, Debt, Inflation, Gold/Silver
Book: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second look at the Federal Reserve (2010)
Book describing the political intrigue and founding of the Federal Reserve Bank and how it works. Excellent read and historical background. Amazon:
Book: The Ascent of Money - A Financial History of the World. Niall Ferguson.
Explains money, concepts, creation, systems and collapses of fiat currency systems. Well written, interesting. Amazon:
YouTube Videos based on the Book Content: 6 Episodes, 54m each. Playlist:
Mike Maloney / GoldSilver Channel - YouTube
Mike does a good job explaining complex financial topics.
A. BANK RUN: The Eerie Similarities of 1929 Crash and Today. Very good overview of previous banking crises . Recommend you start with this video. 35m. Link:
B. 140 Years of Monetary History in 10 Minutes. Excellent overview of Gold and its association with Currency (paper money). 2014. Link:
C. THE GREAT TAKING - "If You Want To Survive What's Coming, You Need To See This". This video provides and overview of the book, 'The Great Taking' - by David Webb. Explains how monied interests worked for decades to change US State and Federal laws to gain control over your financial assets by taking TITLE of your assets and legally transferring it to an organization called the DTCC . The book well researched and a huge threat to your stocks, bonds, IRA, money market securities.
D. 30 Seconds To Midnight: THE FED JUST WENT BANKRUPT (Oct2024). Mike Maloney. Shows how the Federal Reserve Bank is no longer a solvent bank. Great explanation of inner workings and what went wrong. Link:
E. 30 Seconds to Midnight: "It's SOON, Time To Get Prepared For Something Huge" | Mike Maloney. (Oct2024). Chart comparisons between 2007/08 financial crisis, and rationale for upcoming financial crisis. Link: Indicators predict a significant recession based on past conditions.
Note: The timing of financial events is never clear. The global financial system is interwoven to such an extent that major events in a single country can topple over the system due to derivatives/leverage well in excess of global wealth. We don't know what event(s) will pull the proverbial trigger. Markets are people and people are emotional. Sudden changes can pummel market values and set off bankruptcies and a host of other issues.
America is in Decline and We Should Worry | Niall Ferguson (Jan2024)
Link: 5 mins.
Financial Topics: Banking
Playing with Fire: Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve - this is a quick history of the Federal Reserve and questioning whether the FED is causing more harm than good; centralizing financial control over the US. Good background. Oct2024. Link: Great adjunct to the Mike Maloney video "The Fed Just Went Bankrupt" - link above.
Bank Reserves Plummet to $3 trillion, Monetary Clog Approaching Fast - Rafi Farber. Oct9-2024. FED cutting interest rates cause an unexpected(?) drop in bank liquidity. [When liquidity drops too low the banking system can seize up. Previously a drop below $3 trillion caused significant problems and could initiate a banking crisis]. Knowledge level to understand content: Medium. Link: Note: Rafi predicts when the 'crisis' hits both Gold and Silver may be sold off to raise cash, creating a temporary drop in Gold/Silver prices.
End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless - Documentary 55min. Good overall background starting with Bretton Woods (1941) and how we got to now (2023). Well worth the watch. Link: